Investment in Africa Continues to Gain Traction in the US Filed in: investment, africa, fdi
As an example of how Americans are increasingly seeing the opportunities present south of the Sahara, Minnesota’s Star Tribune newspaper recently reported on the continued engagement of the state’s business sector with the region. “As a giant middle class gradually rises across Africa...
Rwanda Named Most Competitive Economy in East African Region Filed in: economic development, rwanda
This year’s Global Competiveness Index named Rwanda the most competitive economy in the East African region. Kenya claimed the number two spot. The index, released annually by the World Economic Forum, ranks the world’s economies based on twelve “pillars of competitiveness.” These pillars include:...
World Bank cuts Rwanda’s 2014 Growth Forecast Filed in: rwanda, economy
Reuters reported on Thursday that the World Bank cut Rwanda’s 2014 growth forecast from 7.2 percent to 5.2 percent. The cut is due to slow spending on energy and transport as well as a slowdown on private sector credit. “Investment in energy and transport would spur the private sector and...
After the US-Africa’s Leaders’ Summit Filed in: economy, rwanda
The U.S. – Africa Leaders Summit held in Washington, D.C. at the beginning of August, resulted in around $33 billion of pledges from American businesses. However, as the Wall Street Journal notes, the success of the summit won’t be measured in a dollar amount “but by...
Bloomberg: Rwanda Plans $1 Billion Bond Filed in: rwanda, investment
Building on the success of the $400 million bond issued last April, Rwanda is planning to sell its second international bond of up to $1 billion to fund the construction of an airport and power plants. Read article here.
Rwanda growth strong Filed in: gdp, workshop, economy
A delegation from the IMF completed a review of Rwanda in March and came away with a positive report on Rwanda's growth. “Rwanda’s recent economic performance has been strong. The growth of real gross domestic product (GDP) exceeded 8 percent in 2011 and is projected to be in...
The Strategic Coach® provides valuable tools for building Rwanda’s Bigger Future Filed in: economy
The Strategic Coach®, a North American-based organization that equips successful entrepreneurs to make significant improvements in productivity and results, has provided many of its most valuable tools and concepts to Bigger Future, GRDP's business acceleration program in Rwanda. Our goal in Rwanda is to help its most promising...
Can you name your Unique Process®? Filed in:
As we wrap up our series of Bigger Future workshops for 2011, our focus turns to sales, marketing, and discovering your Unique Process®, a way of thinking about your business developed by The Strategic Coach®. Every successful business has a unique approach that differentiates it from its competition. Even...
What’s Your Unique Ability®? Filed in:
It was August, and that meant it was time for our third workshop of 2011. Our theme was unique ability, based on a process developed by The Strategic Coach®, and we looked at it both on a personal and company level. Prior to attending the workshop, all of the members...
April 2011 Workshops at Lemigo Hotel Filed in:
The week of April 18 saw eight experienced entrepreneurs from North America join the GRDP | Bigger Future team in Rwanda. There was a reception on Monday evening at 6:30pm for all Bigger Future members. On Tuesday morning starting at 8:30am, the Bigger Future Year One workshop series continued to build on...