HBR on Doing Business in Africa

Filed in: investment

Written by Wesley Cate on July 8, 2015

With the rising interest in adding sub-Saharan Africa to emerging market portfolios, Harvard Business Review recently covered some of the myths of doing business in sub-Saharan Africa. These misconceptions include:

  1. There is no competitive urgency to build a presence in sub-Saharan Africa.
  2. Sub-Saharan Africa's growth is all about natural resources and consumer spending.
  3. Fast economic growth means quick returns.
  4. Sub-Saharan Africa is too volatile and unpredictable.
  5. Sub-Saharan African markets can be prioritized merely by using data.
  6. Relying solely on distributors is a sustainable Africa strategy.
  7. South Africa is the natural hub from which to manage a sub-Saharan Africa business.

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