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Companies Expanding in Africa Filed in: africa, kenya, facebook, airbnb, ibm, starbucks, fdi, investment, economic growth, boston consulting group

Consulting firms from McKinsey & Company to the Boston Consulting Group have touted sub-Saharan's investment opportunities, and now large companies from the West are following suit. Recent investment announcements are highlighted below. Airbnb: The number of people staying in Airbnb homes in Africa has increased 257 percent, with Johannesburg and...

Rwanda Pursues Foreign Investment Increase Filed in: kenya, fdi, investment, rwanda, east africa

According to The Africa Report, Rwanda is seeking to increase foreign direct investment this year to $1.2 billion. The increase will be helped along by new investment tax incentives, which include a seven-year tax holiday for firms investing over $50 million. Rwanda has become an attractive investment destination due to its strong,...

Kenya’s Equity Bank Cross-Lists on the Rwanda Stock Exchange Filed in: finance, investment, rwanda, kenya

Rwanda's six-company stock exchanged doubled its value by cross-listing Kenya's Equity Bank. With a market cap over $2 billion, the bank is now the largest company listed on the exchange.  “Cross-listing is important because it gives Rwandans an opportunity to participate in the progress of their bank,...

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